每一条建议都可以做得到,每一条都有益,行文的语气没有作为父亲或者总统的谆谆教导,从“怀疑自己”到“浪费时间”,奥巴马都说得贴切,自然,优美。Stop Listening to Haters
No matter what you want to do in life, there’s always someone around to tell you why it can’t and won’t work. I can come up with millions of reasons Twitter won’t work, and yet it’s one of the most popular social media sites on the web. My opinion didn’t stop Twitter’s success any more than it convinced Kobe Bryant to quit the NBA or Josh Hartnett to stop acting. Why would you let someone’s opinion stop you?不要再偷懒
Stop Being Lazy
Lazy people are annoying – it's like pulling teeth getting them to do anything. If I can't do something as simple as going to a movie with you without having to factor in an hour of convincing you to get your lazy butt out of bed, I'd rather go alone. People have enough trouble motivating themselves; don't make your friends and family waste their valuable energy motivating you as well.懒人真的很招人烦——得像赶驴磨墨一样逼着他们做事情。如果我想跟你看一场电影,却不得不花一个小时说服你起床,那我宁愿一个人去看。给自己动力都不是件容易的事情,就别让朋友和家人浪费宝贵的精力再来给你动力了吧。
Stop Complaining
We all have problems, and sometimes we need to vent to someone. That's acceptable, but pay attention to how often you're venting. We all love helping our friends and family, but when all you get from someone is negativity, it's easier to cut them off than help, especially if they're always complaining about the same things.Stop Being Selfish
If you only think about yourself, you'll soon find yourself by yourself. Stop for a minute and think about how your actions affect other people – did you take the last cup of coffee from the break room? Refill it! Do you live with others? Don't drink out the milk carton. We share this world 100% of the time, so every action you take can affect other people.别再浪费时间
Stop Wasting Time虽然之前说过了,但我还想再说一遍:时间是我们拥有的最宝贵的资源,不要把时间浪费在没有意义的事情上面,如果你想探索这个世界的黑暗角落,很好。我也认识一些没有固定工作的一些自由职业者,但我不会以牺牲自己的短期长期目标为代价和他们出去玩乐。
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